The current conflict in Sudan began on 15 April 2023. Since the start of the conflict, there have been many reports of conflict-related deaths and injuries. There is currently no way to generate precise estimates of conflict-related mortality. Mortality estimates are a key measure of population health; they expose the effects of crises and inform decisions about appropriate resource allocation. This study builds on our mortality studies in Yemen and Tigray and aims to generate estimates of conflict-related excess mortality.
We are a group of public health researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), working closely with academics and researchers inside Sudan on a study to estimate mortality caused by the conflict. For this study, we are collaborating with Y-PEER Sudan, a community-based youth initiative that we have previously partnered with to research COVID-19-related excess mortality in Sudan.
We would like to invite you to help us to understand mortality in Sudan by participating in this study by filling out a survey with information about people who have died in Sudan, or soon after leaving Sudan, since the start of the conflict on 15 April 2023. We are disseminating the survey in two ways; 1) via social media, and 2) via a dedicated web platform.
We have also included some frequently asked questions below. You may also contact us at any time to ask questions about the study. For inquiries in Arabic/English, please contact the study team HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the aim of the study?
The aim of this study is to inform the response by humanitarian actors, government stakeholders and civil society groups in Sudan of the impact of the ongoing crisis. This study is expected to generate evidence on the extent to which mortality among children and adults has been changing in Sudan over time, particularly in response to the current crisis.
Why have I been asked to take part?
If you received a study invitation via email, WhatsApp or SMS that means that you have been invited to participate in the study by one of your friends, relatives, or colleagues. They have sent the survey to you using the dedicated web platform as they believe you would be willing and able to complete it – they have not sent us your contact details; they have used the system to send the invitation directly to you.
You are eligible to participate from anywhere in the world. You must be 18 years of age or older and you must have information about people who have died in Sudan, or soon after leaving Sudan, since the start of the conflict on 15 April 2023. You do not have to provide a lot of information about people who have died but we will need their names. We will ask some other brief questions but if you don’t know the answers you can provide a response to the best of your knowledge.
Do I have to take part?
It is your choice to join this study. The survey asks you to confirm that you understand what is involved in participating in the study and confirms that we will not ask you for any information that could identify you. Once you have started the survey, you may stop at any time. If someone sends you the survey, they will not know if you have completed it or not.
What does it mean to participate?
Participation involves completing an online survey about people in Sudan (or who who left Sudan) who have died since the conflict began in April 2023. The survey will take between 5-10 minutes. You do not need to have known these people personally.
If you receive a study invitation via email, WhatsApp or SMS you may be asked to invite up to five people from your social network to complete the same survey. We recommend that you invite five people, but you do not have to. When you have completed the survey, the system will take you to a webpage that will allow you to invite others anonymously. The system automates the sending of invites; the study team will not know your identity or have access to your contact information. You can invite others within your family to take the survey, or you can invite friends, colleagues, or other members of your social networks.
Are there any risks or benefits for me in taking part in this study?
Filling out the survey might make you sad or upset: if for any reason you prefer to stop answering the survey you are, of course, free to stop at any moment. We have compiled a list of resources for you if you find the survey distressing; please find mental health resources HERE. There are no real benefits for you from taking part in the study. Still, your information will help raise awareness regarding the severity of the humanitarian situation in Sudan. We hope this will both evidence and improve resource allocation decisions by humanitarian actors. It may also contribute to efforts to resolve the ongoing conflict.
Will my participation be anonymous?
Yes. During the survey will not ask you for any identifying information about yourself or your living family members. The survey has been designed to ask for the minimum amount of information to achieve the aim of the study. No one (including members of the study team) will be able to identify you. We will ask you to forward the survey to others; however, this will also be done anonymously.
All data will be stored securely. Once the study is complete, we will publish the data so that others can replicate our analysis and verify our estimates. The published data will be completely anonymous. We will not include any of the names of deceased people in our publications.
How will the study results be used?
Study results will be published in a study report and one or more scientific articles. They will also be presented to researchers and organisations assisting with the humanitarian response in Sudan. We will include a link to the final published report and any other published outputs on this website.